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The best nanny experience.

Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat

All your nanny for a better value.

01. How much does it cost?
Urine tests or home pregnancy tests are around 97% accurate when done correctly. The key is to take the test first thing in the morning, with your first urination. The pregnancy hormone, hCG, if there is any, will be at its highest concentration making it more likely that the test will detect it.
02. How does Bebicare work?
Urine tests or home pregnancy tests are around 97% accurate when done correctly. The key is to take the test first thing in the morning, with your first urination. The pregnancy hormone, hCG, if there is any, will be at its highest concentration making it more likely that the test will detect it.
03. Can I get the same sitter every time?
Urine tests or home pregnancy tests are around 97% accurate when done correctly. The key is to take the test first thing in the morning, with your first urination. The pregnancy hormone, hCG, if there is any, will be at its highest concentration making it more likely that the test will detect it.