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Auto Repair in Houston


1157 Reviews

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Car repair workshop

Problem with your car? Don’t worry, we can help you. Feel free to contact with our team!

+ (844) 123-209 888

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One stop solution for all car maintenance needs

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At Autofiix auto services, we believe that all cars these days require specialized services.

Proin porta est convallis lacus blandit pretium sed non enim. Maecenas lacinia non orci at aliquam. Donec finibus, urna bibendum ultricies laoreet.

3 Years/36k Miles Warranty

Shuttle Service Available

Coffee & Wi-Fi

Financing Available

Free Vacuum And Hand Car Wash

Vehicle Drop Off And Pickup

Our services

International quality standards

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100% genuine auto parts

Dealership quality repair

Service contract & warranty plans

Dedicated team providing genuine advice

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What our
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Auto Repair in Houston


1157 Reviews

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Back on a set of 4 select tires

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(844) 123-209 888

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